Chair: James McGowan
Co-Chair: Laney Todd
Dear delegates,
Welcome to VIMUNC XI. I’m James McGowan and I will be your head chair for this conference. I’m a senior at Langley High School this year and this is my second year of doing Model UN. I am going to be attending the University of Virginia next year majoring in Model United Nations and multilevel marketing with a minor in boat carrying. Some of my hobbies include playing wiffle ball, doing push-ups, watching paint dry, and Fortnite dancing. I am 24% West Andorran, 22% Moldovan, 21% Lithuanian, 21% Finnish, 8% Native American, and 4% Sri Lankan. I am the oldest of 8 siblings and I love them more than anything in the world. The new Barbie movie is a new passion of mine, so I’m so excited to see all of your fun ideas that will emerge throughout committee. I love to see diplomatic, substantive, and creative debate so try to be detailed and out of the box with your research. I can’t wait to see you all soon! Feel free to reach [email protected] regarding any questions you have before committee.