Dear Delegates, My name is Taiki Bongiovi and I am your Co-Chair for the Bongo Dynasty JCC. This is still my second year participating in MUN however over this short period I have competed in GAs, Specs, and Crisis Committees and I can say without a doubt that Crisis is the most fun. For some, this may be their very first crisis that will be the starting point to their MUN career but for others, this may very well be their last. That is why my hope for this committee is for all of us to respect each other and have fun. I look forward to a committee full of creative solutions and teamwork in order to combat this crisis and bring light to Gabon. Apart from MUN, as a sophomore at Langley, I am currently a part of swimming and the school band where I play the saxophone. Additionally, I am interested in the Medical Field and take part in clubs like HOSA and the school medical club. I know all of you will kill it this weekend and wish you guys the best of luck. I hope you enjoy VIMUNC XI to its fullest.